Reflections of #BlackoutTuesday & AMPLIFYING BLACK VOICES #wearestrongertogether

You'd have to be living under a rock to not know what is happening in our country and world right now. 

Black and Brown people are being killed left and right just for being in their skin. We have murder, protests, more murder, a useless POS President that hides in a bunker - talks all big and bad when on camera - uses religion as a tool to divide and shows up unannounced to a church in mourning - total disrespect. Evil incarnate. 

Today is #BlackoutTuesday. Blackout Tuesday is meant to formally disrupt the work week. This day's initiative was created by @Pausetheshow (twitter) - @theshowmustbepaused (Instagram) It was started by "two Black women (Jamila Thomas & Brianna Agyemang) in the music industry in observance of the long-standing racism and inequality that exists from the boardroom to the boulevard." 
"We will not continue to conduct business as usual without regard for Black Lives."- Jamila Thomas & Brianna Agyemang

Tuesday, June 2nd (TODAY) is "a day to take a beat for an honest, reflective, and productive conversation about what actions we need to collectively take to support the Black community."

"This is not just a 24-hour initiative. We are and will be in this fight for the long haul."
 - Jamila Thomas & Brianna Agyemang

Every moment of this, I am learning. I am checking myself. I am reflecting on my upbringing, culture, attitude, everything as it relates to Black people. I so badly want to take the hurt away. I want to put a magnifying glass up to realities Black people face every minute of every day living in this broken country. I want to help. This isn't about me, my feelings, my anything. It is time to shut up, listen, and TAKE THE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. 

BLACK PEOPLE: I hear you. I respect you. I stand with you. I promise to do the work to amplify your voice. The time is now. here. there is no excuse for anything else. 

Silence = Violence. 


Want to do something constructive? That highlights and brings awareness to some INCREDIBLE people?

Check out these websites/resources that equip you with everything you need to know:

Want to donate but have no money?
Watch this video...

Last, but CERTAINLY NOT LEAST...Today is about BLACK PEOPLE and BLACK VOICES and recognizing OUR PRIVILEGE.

Check out these INCREDIBLE STRONG BLACK LUPUS WARRIORS - use them as a resource or a source inspiration. I KNOW I DO!


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