Another chapter in the stretch mark fiasco (I'm back for all of 5 mins)

I know I said I was on hiatus. I am.
This is a mirage.

No but seriously, I just wanted to share something that is pertinent to this blog and has gotten a rather positive response from readers and commenters.

For you facebook users out there, I "like" a page called "Girls Guide To". Most of the time I never read through the postings or visit the page (sorry Girls Guide To), but this morning I read a post that caught my eye. A question/posting about stretch marks. If you've read through my blog or know me personally, you know how self conscious I am about my body and stretch marks. I try and give myself pep talks to feel better AND I have an amazing guy that loves me and my body the way it is (Thank goodness!).

Because I am me (a mouthy, nosy, opinionated person), I thought I would comment and kind of give my two-cents about stretch marks. Below is the posting:

Click on the image so you are able to read the entire thing :)

I'm not trying to sound like I'm on a high horse or anything. I truly do mean what I said. I'm glad someone has listened and appreciate my input. This was just something I wanted to share because it made me smile. I hope it makes someone else smile. Like I said in my post "stretch marks don't define you."

I hope whoever still reads this has an amazing day, week and month. (Who knows when I'll be back)
Best wishes.


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