Life's Funny that Way

Monday I go to see my dermatologist for my steroid induced acne that decided to sprout. Tuesday is my consultation with the cosmetic surgeon. Friday is my "check-in" with my nephrologist. Next week is a busy doctor week. 

My face is basically back to normal, but I can still feel weakness on the left side of my face. The good news is that I can blink with both eyes properly and WINK in each eye. This was important to me because I love making the impression of the guy and girl from Fistful of Yen. Other things on the health front are pretty okay. Although, I did feel my face start "mooning" when I was on the higher dose of prednisone because of my Bell's Palsy. Needless to say, I freaked. That quickly subsided (the moon face, thus the freaking out).

I'd like to share that it is nice to have one, real lupie friend. Although we aren't super close, when we talk it is refreshing and nice to share things with someone who understands (for the most part). The cool thing (not really "cool", but different) is that he's a guy. A guy with lupus who's around my age who has gone through almost parallel things that I have. He recently messaged me to tell me he had shingles AND he shared my sense of humor when we talked about how Lupus is the opposite of HIV. Wouldn't it be funny if the cure to HIV was Lupus? 

I'm not saying that I don't know (of) other people with Lupus. In fact, I am constantly reminded that my mother's friend who she went to high school with's daughter has lupus. I'm not going to lie: I don't really care. I know I'm rude, but when my family goes out of their way to remind me that they KNOW OF people with lupus, it makes no difference for me. I feel for them, yes, but in the grand scheme of things they aren't affecting me. Wow, that sounded meaner than I wanted it to. In all honesty, it's comforting to know other people go through what I go through and make it out stronger than before. To be constantly reminded that that person twice removed's cousin's daughter has it too so that makes us friends is annoying. Until words are shared, exchanged and correspondences are made reality, they will be another stranger in the world to me.  

I'm sorry about that rant. It was just something that came to mind. 


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