New Developments

It's been almost a month. I am sorry (mom).

But contrary to popular belief, I am alive (and well).

A lot has happened within the last month-ish. I've gotten acclimated at my new job, working more and getting a lot of cool special projects. Yay! My major paid off. I am working in both admissions and marketing. Since it's a smaller school, I also help whoever needs it. That's kind of the vibe around here. 

I'm loving the new apartment. Jason and I are so dorky about it. We bought wine glasses and drink wine/water out of the glasses to feel all adult. We still have to buy a couple more things to make the place complete, but we will get there. 

Remember in my last post (yes, a month ago. sorry, once again) when I mentioned how I met a nice guy and we were merely friends, but he was pretty great. Well, yeah, this guy and I are dating. It's a pretty positive development in my life and it's only been going up from here. His name is Zach and he is awesome. All the things I need right now, plus more. Yay for happiness!

On the health front, things are going well, as well. I don't see my doctors often (which is good) and am now on CellCept instead of continuing on Cytoxan treatment. CellCept is not that settling to the stomach, but I expected that. I am still on a lower dose. I need to up that soon or else I will flare. I've been getting a few minor symptoms of flaring (sensitive scalp, cutaneous lesions, minor aches and pains) but nothing too serious. I think it may be my diet (not that I've completely lost sight of my diet...). I'm going to try and get back on the fruit twice a day thing, as well as, no salt for a while. Maybe lose a little bit of water weight I've put back on (nothing major...just natural water weight people get when they eat salt).

That's really that in a nutshell. My every day has really quieted down since the dramatics that was my flare, hospitalization and life at the time. Now it's really work, home, boyfriend. Mostly, work and home though since my boyfriend lives aways from the city. 

That's that and a bag of chips.


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