"Be careful that you don't frighten your child. Be careful of what you say."

While snooping on the Lupus.org blog, I came across a post about how to explain lupus to children. I thought that this was rather pertinent to me because my mother works in education and has had to explain to her students that lupus is different from cancer (since the students and their families knew I was undergoing chemotherapy treatment). Lots of students though I was going to die or lose all my hair or something drastic. While, my particular case is rather severe, I didn't plan on croaking (not that cancer patients PLAN on croaking. you catch my drift. don't sass me).

The blog post can be found here. It briefly touches on how to explain lupus to young and older children. While it is geared to parents with lupus, it it beneficial to adequately approaching the sensitive topic of a chronic illness with people who don't fully understand it. 

The full blog post about families and lupus can be found here. They touch on helping children cope with illness in the family, the dynamic between parent and child and lupus and much more. 


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