I don't wanna wait in vain for...you job.

My roommate and closest friend in Boston always jokes that we are going to sell our souls, selves, anything at this point...to get a real job. It's been a crazy ride since we've graduated and I know now, more than any other time, patience is truly virtue. Something will come around. I know it. I feel it in my bones.

Speaking of bones, my knees and ankles have been hurting me more than usual lately. I feel like it may be because I'm being weened off of prednisone and I'm probably not 100% ready to be on such a low dose. I hope that's not the case because I don't want to be put on a higher dose. Right now I'm on 10mg. Woo! I went from 60mg and several 1000mg IV doses down to the wee dose of 10mg. My face is slowly getting back to normal! Still cheeky though. They are like balloons I want to deflate. Soon I will post a picture (once I'm comfortable enough to have pictures taken of me). Until then, imagine my face going from this: O to this: o. Big face to little face.

The heat is also not doing too many wonderful things to me, health wise. Not only do I get naturally irritable and go crazy, the extreme heat makes me break out in hives and makes my skin ridiculously sensitive. I have these weird bumps on my legs. I want to think they are razor burns and not the beginnings of leprosy. With my luck, it IS leprosy--a rare disease prevalent in third world countries. In an effort to alleviate these problems, I purchased an air conditioner. I also installed it myself. I hope to Jah that it doesn't fall out of my third floor window and kill someone. I don't have any money to hire a lawyer or pay for the mess. Once I land a job, it wouldn't bother me so much. (kidding. or am I?)

In the personal realm of my life, things are a bit strange. Nothing intense or too serious, but some confusing incidents and mixed messages from several people. Right now is not the time to be confusing me.
No thanks for that.
I'm allergic.


  1. I will do an extra kneel for you tonight at Mosque, Solange. LOL! BTW: There's one just a few feet away. Cracking up on "Jah". The job will come, don't worry...I know it. Peace and blessedness.


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