"There's a time for joy, A time for tears, A time we'll treasure through the years"

Life does smell sweeter as a college graduate.

I officially graduated from Boston University. I am now a qualified [questionable] degree recipient of a Bachelor of Science of Communication. What what! My weekend was quite wonderful and an awesome way to end the school year. My house mates and I threw a party the night before graduation (not the smartest of ideas, but it was well worth it). Now that the high is slowly wearing off I am trying to jump on the employment wagon.

As you all know, I have lupus and kidney disease which require some really intense treatment due to the severity of it. I know legally jobs can't fire me for medical reasons like needing to take the day off for chemo or for doctors appointments, but I am so scared that my jobs won't be as understanding and it mark a threat on my opportunities. This is probably nothing to worry about. I just hate having to repeat my story so many times, especially since it's such a long one.

A part of me also feel a bit inadequate in the job market. I know I'm not the dumbest person on earth, but I certainly don't feel like a smartie. It's just scary being unemployed. Long story short. I'll continue applying to jobs, interviewing and praying that something comes my way. Worst case scenario: I enjoy my summer being unemployed and responsibility free, then move back to Florida to live at home. WORST CASE.

So that's the job end of my life. all the personal and dramatic BS that has been going on has subsided (thank jehovah) and now I can relax and take it one day at a time. As my mother says, "don't look at the end of the rainbow, take your time to enjoy the colors." Something like that. I'm not sure if that applies, but I'm just taking it slowly and enjoying the people in my life right now. new and old. I'm trying to welcome old friends and make new ones. Man, I love summer.

In medical news, my doctor says that I may not have to do the full 2 year regimen of chemo because I've already done a full two years of it and they don't want to put me at a higher risk for bladder cancer. They will try and start me up on CellCept again while I finish off the last 2-3 doses of chemo. Hopefully I respond positively to CellCept. Those damn horse pills. My weight has been down and I've been trying my to hardest (sort of) to be good about my diet. I'm glad I have a kitchen again.

So far, I must say, life is good (minus being unemployed).


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