Medicinal tongue in my ear

Moved back to my house. Things have been amicable. Rough patches have been sanded over and smoothed out more or less. In the last few days of being with my mom and planning my move back to the apartment, I've done a lot of thinking about how my personal demons have been affecting me. 

I like to keep this blog about lupus and what it is like to be my age and the kind of person I am while dealing with lupus. I don't want it to turn into a diary where I whine and constantly vent about things that piss me off. Now that I've prefaced that, I will proceed to bitch and moan about something that has bothered me for a while up until this very minute. Just kidding. I'm just truly bothered by something I cannot help. The mind is both a wonderful and terrible thing. For me, in particular, I let it literally eat away at me. Very little can take my mind off of the things that bother me. I know wounds take time to heal, but my goodness! The healing process sure is a painful one. 

On a happier note, I am officially done with my undergraduate career. I took my last final this morning after only 2 hours of sleep and now I am DONE. It feels good to be done, but I won't lie...I'm bored. With no job and nothing to really do I ALREADY find myself idle. I need a job ASAP. Luckily, it is senior week so I will be engaged in many fun activities with friends. Then my family comes up for graduation. Then it's onto nothingness again. I need to figure something out FAST. I just realized there are so many caps in this paragraph. ewww.

New paragraph. 
Nah, just gonna end it here. Leave my mind to its reckless torment.

"You say that my skin feels like no one else's,
That it's different somehow.
But I don't understand, isn't a hand just a hand?
No you don't understand."

-"Masochist" by Ingrid Michaelson


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