Nurse Horror Story

I'm a customer service oriented person. I'm no pro, but I do like to feel like I try my hardest to respect, consider and accommodate all sorts of people even when I am in the weaker position (i.e. patient to the nurse). I understand that I am younger than most patients here and with kidney disease it is an affliction that you don't really feel until you've completely lost your kidneys and need dialysis or a transplant. So on the outside I feel fine. I look a little swollen, but I feel more or less fine.


what I am trying to say is if I can tend to myself in the hospital I do. I don't call the nurse for everything like others do (most of whom need the assistance). I like to consider myself low maintenance. THE ONLY THING I DO ASK is what is plastered all over the walls on the rooms and walls of this place: respect patient privacy, make the stay for the patient as comfortable as possible and let the patient know when the nurses or nursing assistants will be making their rounds.

Another thing I do consider is that not everyone is the same. Not everyone smiles. Not everyone says "Good Morning", "Please" or "Thank You." But I truly do feel that in the nursing profession bedside manner is one of the most important aspects. When I asked a nursing assistant who is was coming in to check my and my roommate's vitals at all hours of the day (which I know is protocol) to not open the door so harshly and turn on every light at 2, 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning, she had the audacity to tell me "I should have gotten a private room" and, that, "I'm in a hospital and people come in and out." I get that. I like to consider myself an intelligent person, who reads and remains informed, especially while in the hospital. That lady blew my mind. She also thought it good etiquette to proceed to take my roommate's vitals and sass me through the curtain. My elderly roommate was confused, taken aback and uncomfortable. I told the nursing assistant, "If you want to speak to me, speak to me. Tend to the patient and don't speak to me through a curtain." She didn't say much after that.

I've got one word for that: Rude.

I can understand a bad day, a bad morning, moods, etc. Everyone is human and we act accordingly. But my goodness. This particular lady has been the exact same way every time I've encountered her.

The Nurse Manager is most definitely getting a letter or visit from me.

Anyone else have a crazy nurse story? hospital horror story? Thoughts?


  1. Just pain rude. I have no patience for rude people either. By all means, do write a letter. Maybe she'll be frog-marched out of there. The term "Nurse" in itself has a connotation of someone who is there to care for you.


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