Little Loopy Lady

My, oh, My. The last two days have been quite the ride.

My kidneys and blood pressure have not improved in the slightest. I still have sky rocketing blood pressure and my kidney function is stagnant in the low function arena. The attending renal doctor (who looks like Santa and is a very kind man) informed me that a renal biopsy was the best bet solution for the time being. Questions needed to be answered, instead of the whole "I'm monitoring you" vibe.

So, today was the day. At around 12:30pm I went under the knife (or ultrasound, knife and needle, really). I've had a renal biopsy before (3 years ago) so I wasn't very nervous. But, for some reason, this time around, everything felt so real. Maybe it was because I went through this biopsy by myself and during my first one I had my mom and dad. I didn't remember needing oxygen, an IV, a blood pressure machine and heart monitor on me the first time. I was heavily sedated with Versed (which is kind of AWESOME), pain killers and anesthetic and chatted with the nurse through the whole thing.

The only crappy parts about needing a renal biopsy is that you absolutely cannot eat or drink before. So from midnight last night I didn't have a drop of water or a crumb. The nurses and doctors expected me to still take the slew of medications on an empty stomach, so for most of today I felt uneasy and did NOT have an appetite even after hours of not eating. Another not-so-fun thing about this procedure if that you have to be on bed rest for 6-8 hours immediately afterward. Even if I was hungry and my appetite was unscathed, eating is very difficult when done horizontally. My boyfriend was kind enough to spoon feed me soup. He also used the opportunity to make airplane sounds every time he fed me. I proceeded to tell him "I hate you" every time. We aren't cute. Haha. We just laughed about it.

I'm coming off of being on my back (mind out of the gutter!) and am eating wheat toast. I still feel delirious. They gave me a Percocet mixture/pain reliever because I'm FEELING the biopsy now. That's probably what the loopy feeling is.

schmoop. bloop. bleep.


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