
(Isn't lupus nephritis pretty?)

Update in 3...2...1

Admitted and discharged from the hospital 3 different times.
Mother and Father here driving me crazy, the 2 of them.
Little lady living with a lot of bad news, just 1 of her.

A lot has happened since March 11th. My sentiments about school are the same. I really want to finish. I really am blessed that the professors I have spoken to are being so understanding. I have a lot of work ahead but it will get done. While I am sick and going through a lot, it feels like I have time on my hands. Time I don't want to leave to a wandering mind.

As far as health goes...the 411 (clearly, this is an entry about numbers).

Apparently, I am impressive. I'm sure you already knew that. My renal doctors and their colleagues find me very impressive. Well, my renal biopsy. It seems that the final results of my renal biopsy completely flabbergasted these physicians with the amount of damage and swelling in such a young person. I still have a hematoma around my left kidney that hasn't cleared up. I was 140 lbs (most of which was water weight) and gained that in what felt like overnight (I mentioned this before). My blood pressure skyrockets (again, mentioned before). I am not in good shape. After speaking to both my rheumatologist and nephrologists, I have a better understanding of what is actually going on. 

I am kind of battling two illnesses. My first illness, lupus, has caused my kidney disease. It is imperative that my lupus symptoms are under control before they can properly act on my kidney disease. The Cytoxan chemotherapy is to help with lupus symptoms that are affecting and damaging the kidneys. Dialysis is a step that may be taken after a few chemotherapy treatments. I won't know for sure until this Tuesday. I've been on crazy diuretics that have helped me lose 20lbs of water weight, but has left me with a little reminder of this WONDERFUL experience: stretchmarks. 

Along with my body making enormous changes, my living situation is that of a cooped up prisoner to her own thoughts and devices. Not complaining. It's best for me. I know this...but it just reminds me who really cares, who really shows concern. The people who I thought were the most dismissive have been the most supportive and the people I intentionally chose to spend most of my time with haven't said two words to me. To be honest, it makes moving on, graduating and quite possibly moving somewhere knew even more exciting. My relationship is over. Not the worst thing in the world. Gives me time to focus on me and my illness. I will miss him.

Starting fresh.


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