Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit--either way you still have fruit

I'm sure this isn't new news for anyone, but incorporating fruit into your every day diet is a marvelous thing. You lose water weight and feel great. I've been making it a point to have some serving of fruit at least three times a day, almost like my in between meals snack. My favorites are blueberries, watermelon and mango. For the last week, I've had at least 1 mango every day. I know some fruit have more nutritional value than others, and some fruits aren't the BEST for renal diets (due to the fact that some renal diets are potassium and phosphorus restricted) but knowing that I'm consuming natural sugars versus crap sugar is a good feeling. 

Here are charts that breakdown the some of the nutritional value of fruits:

FruitCaloriesMilligrams of Vitamin C
1. Guava, 1 medium46165
2. Papaya, 1 cup, cubed5587
3. Strawberries, 1 cup4584
4. Kiwi, 1 medium4674
5. Cantaloupe, 1 cup5668
6. Orange, 1 medium6075
7. Grapefruit, half3942

FruitCaloriesGrams of Fiber per 100 calories
1. Raspberries, 1 c.608
2. Blackberries, 1 c.747.6
3. Strawberries, 1 c.453.4
4. Prunes, 1/2 c., cooked1137.0
5. Papaya, 1 medium1185.5
6. Orange, 1 medium503.0
7. Apple, 1 medium813.7
8. Pears, 1 medium984.0
Figs, dried, 52378.5
10. Avocado, half1504

(taken from Ask Dr. Sears)

Other references:
The Fruit Pages

Take a gander. If you are like me, it will make you excited to eat fruit or drink a natural smoothie. 


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